
The Times they are A-Changing.

The Times they are A-Changing, was the title of a song by Bob Dylan in 1963. It spoke about a time of change in the lives and politics of people during the 1960’s. Change can be exciting but it can also be difficult and can lead to uncertainty about what the future may hold.

It is Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn here in the Southern Hemisphere, a time of change for all of us. As the emerging Spring days warm the soil, plants and animals begin to come out of their hibernation. Whereas in Autumn, a slowing down of the seasons begins, as leaves start to fall and nature prepares to rest.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, autumn is linked to the metal element. In the body, this manifests as minerals and trace elements that are essential for the maintenance of our health and life. As the leaves and fruits of the trees fall to the ground, they return nutrients and minerals to the earth for future growth. Empty trees and fields create space and allow room to breathe.

The Metal element is also associated with the Lungs and Large intestine, allowing us to grieve if we need to for what has gone before, breathe more easily as we slow down, and assimilate what we need to be able to move forwards. It is a time of change, a time of slowing down and looking within. A time of letting go so that new things can burst forth and grow.

It can also be a time of transition, as the days get shorter and we tend to hibernate more indoors. Transition is a period of change, a moving onwards, or towards another goal or purpose in life. It means you may need to stop and reassess where you are going, or completely change your focus. What better time to reassess than we have begun to slow down.

I commenced this year at a bit of a standstill. I was still seeing my lovely reflexology clients, but had no idea what I wanted to do with my creativity. I felt stuck and unmotivated and unsure of how to move forwards. I realised that this was a time of transition for me.

At first I tried to fight it and force myself to become motivated, but this only led to frustration. So I took some time out, had long walks in nature and gave myself time to breathe. Creating space opens our minds to new opportunities and allows our imaginations to flourish.

Always being busy doesn’t serve anyone. We become tired, exhausted and resentful and end up running around in circles. Nothing productive is achieved. What if instead, we stopped and allowed the changes to happen? What if we allowed this period of transition to run its course?

The times they are a-changing and if allow ourselves to welcome these changes we can move forwards more enthusiastically and creatively. Change isn’t easy but it is a part of life. It is how we grow. Mother Nature knows this. The trees do not fight to hold on to their leaves, flowers do not resist the shedding of their blossoms and animals don’t fight the need to rest.

Perhaps we can do the same. Start to slow down and give yourself space. Don’t always feel as if you need to be ‘doing’ something all the time. Rest, read, have time in nature and nourish your body and soul, just as Mother Nature intended us to.

With warmest wishes,

Judy xxx

Disclaimer: Please note that all information in this article is the opinion of the author and obtained through her research and knowledge and the above references. It is not meant to replace medical advice and a medical opinion should always be obtained for any health condition.

References: ‘The Way of the Five Seasons’ by John Kirkwood. Photo by Autumn Mott Rodeheaver on Unsplash.  

How do you Step out of your Comfort Zone when it all feels too scary?

How do you Step out of your Comfort Zone when it all feels too scary? When the very thought of change terrifies you and the unknown is too unpredictable? How do you make changes to your life when it all feels too hard?

We are mostly creatures of comfort and like our lives to feel safe and predictable. We like the ‘known’ and we like the certainty that it brings. Many of us stay in the same jobs, the same homes, the same locations and the same relationships, because it is all we know. We feel safe and we feel assured of what each day will bring. We tend to like more of the ‘same.’

But what if we start to feel that our lives are limited? What if we suddenly realised one day, that there was more to life? What if we decided that comfort isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, that adventure and possibility lie over the horizon? What do we do then?

We take steps to bring about change! Most of us have heard of a bucket list, of places that we want to visit during our lifetime. But what if we had a ‘dreams list’ as well? On this list you could write down all the things that you would like to do one day. Then start looking at what is possible and where you can start.

Maybe you want to learn to dance or begin a new language? There are many courses around. Community centres and the Council of Adult Education often have short courses so you can try them out, before committing to something more long term. Have you always wanted to write a book, but don’t know where to start? The Australian Writers’ Centre has courses to get your imagination flowing.

Whatever you choose to do, there are ways to achieve your dreams. Perhaps you could start planning for that solo trip that has always interested you or start increasing your fitness for that mountain trail you want to conquer. The possibilities are endless.

How do you step out of your Comfort Zone when it all feels too scary? Stop listening to that mindless chatter. Our minds are very good at convincing ourselves that our dreams are just that – dreams – and they will never achieve fruition. We convince ourselves that we are too old, or too unfit, or don’t have the experience or the knowledge to do something new. ‘It will never work out. It will be a waste of time and energy and I will fail. I should just be happy with what I have.’ The stories are endless.

But what if your new venture was a resounding success? What if you discovered a new soul mate or a new career or a new passion? Wouldn’t it have been worth it? I have mentioned before that I have written a book and it will be released in late March. I have loved the writing process, but have no idea how it will be received. Hopefully some people will love it and perhaps some will hate it, but that’s okay. I wrote it for myself because it was a passion of mine. I wrote it because it was one of my dreams.

Have I opened myself up to judgment and criticism? Yes possibly and that does scare me. But I want my life to be meaningful and that means taking risks. Staying safe and hidden means staying the same and depriving yourself of life and all its’ opportunities.

By taking risks and stepping out of our comfort zones, we learn to grow. I left nursing to study Reflexology. It was a huge gamble to leave a steady job and begin my own business, but I was unhappy and needed to find fulfilment somewhere else. I have travelled to a lot of different countries, never quite knowing what I would find, but it has always been worth the effort. I began garden photography to sell to magazines, which was at times a scary experience. Chatting to knowledgeable editors was definitely out of my comfort zone.

Not every task I have undertaken has been a resounding success but that doesn’t stop me from trying something new. Making mistakes means I learn and a part of me grows. How do you step out of your comfort zone when it all feels too scary? You start to plan and then start to take action. Believe in yourself for you are capable of amazing things. We just don’t credit ourselves enough for all our accomplishments.

Begin to live a life of your choosing, not someone else’s. So many of us are brought up to put everyone else first. We listen to their needs instead of our own and we put our own desires on hold. “Others need me now, others are more important, others need to take priority,” we tell ourselves.

Well guess what? We need to put ourselves at the top of our ‘to-do’ lists. It’s only when we feel happy, healthy and fulfilled, that we can give to others from a place of love and kindness, not obligation. So start listening to your heart’s desires. Allow yourself to feel vulnerable and expect some resistance from yourself and others. That’s okay. Your ego is protecting you from it’s own insecurities and your family and friends are just expressing their own fears and anxieties.

Take that risk, dream your dreams and take action on them. Then start living this one amazing, glorious life!

With warmest wishes,

Judy xxx

References: Photo by Nathan McBride on Unsplash

Disclaimer: Please note that all information in this article is the opinion of the author and obtained through her research and knowledge and the above references. It is not meant to replace medical advice and a medical opinion should always be obtained for any health condition.

How do you greet the coming Year?

How do you greet the coming Year? Do you welcome it with joy and excitement, or fear and anxiety, or perhaps a little trepidation? Maybe it’s just another date in the calendar and doesn’t hold much meaning for you, or feels like just more of the same?

I greet each New Year with Hope and anticipation. I have no idea how the year will unfold, but I have plans that I want to instigate and dreams around things that I want to achieve. I also have hope that it will be a good year. A year filled with health and happiness, time with family and friends and time with my Reflexology clients.

Over the past two years, I have written a book which I am self-publishing. It will be available late March and it’s one of the dreams that I want to make into reality. Creativity is a passion of mine that I have only recently rekindled. So this year I hope to make it a huge part of my life.

I have not made New Year resolutions for some time now as they always felt a bit forced and hollow and made just for the sake of it. I now choose a word each year on how I would like my year to unfold. I must admit, it doesn’t always work, but it provides a guiding light for my plans and ambitions.

This year I chose the word, ‘Release’ because there’s a lot of things I want to let go of. Release of fear and anxiety about the unknown, release of others expectations, release of feelings of ‘not doing enough’ or ‘not being enough,’ release of doing things because I ‘should’ and release of things that I cannot control. I want to allow more acceptance into my life, of events and people who bring me joy.

How do you greet the coming year? Do you keep doing what you have always been doing or do you want to make changes? If you are happy and contented, that’s great, but if not, what can you do differently? I believe we all have opportunities for growth. None of us are infallible. We are humans with all the wonder and frailties that come with being human. We create and we make mistakes and that’s how we grow.

What can you do differently this year? What do you dream about and want to achieve? Write down your plans as this makes them seem more real. Then take action. Having lovely lists is a start, but we need to take action on them if we want to achieve our goals and dreams. Perhaps you want to learn a language, or join a gym, or start dancing or painting. Perhaps you want to write a book or start a new career. The possibilities are endless.

Do your research then book into a class or make that phone call. Nothing is set in stone, so if it doesn’t work out, you can always leave. Be open to the potential of finding something that fuels your Soul. Yes change can be scary and most of us don’t like to leave our comfort zones, however as Garrett Gravensen wrote, “Life happens outside your comfort zone.”

How do you greet the coming year? I hope it’s with plans and dreams around bringing more happiness, great health and contentment into your life. Remember unless you believe in reincarnation, we only have one life, so make it an exciting, glorious, creative and fulfilling one.

Wishing you a very Happy New Year.

With warmest wishes,

Judy xxx

References: “10 seconds of insane courage” by Garrett Gravensen.

Disclaimer: Please note that all information in this article is the opinion of the author and obtained through her research and knowledge and the above references. It is not meant to replace medical advice and a medical opinion should always be obtained for any health condition.

Do You find it easy to Declutter your Life?

Do you find it easy to Declutter your life? Do you find it easy to let go of things that no longer serve you or do you hold on for dear life?

Many years ago, a Japanese lady called Marie Condo wrote a book called, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” In it she recommended only keeping the things in your life that ‘spark joy.’ While her book was based on physical items, I believe it’s a great practice to apply in all areas of your life.

How many of us hold onto behaviours or beliefs that no longer serve us? We’re scared of change or letting go of what is comfortable, even if it’s not healthy for us. It’s too hard, we will be judged, what will our friends or family say, others may not approve. So we stay the same. Change is difficult. What if we fail? What if it’s a disaster? We tell ourselves so many stories that we convince ourselves that our current lives aren’t too bad. We may not be happy, but we are comfortable!

But what if we challenged this status quo? What if we began to look at our lives in a new way, letting go of the old and allowing some new energy to come in instead. This may involve physical or emotional things, but the result is the same. Each time you let go, even a little, you allow space for the ‘new’ to come in.

What if you let go of control, of needing to manage the people and events in your life? What if you created better boundaries around your time and availability and let go of the need to be the people pleaser? What if you decluttered jobs, friends, relationships that only bring you grief and anxiety? What if you asked for help instead of trying to do it all yourself? What if you said “No” to the things that don’t bring you happiness and ask instead, what ‘sparks joy’ in my life?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Lungs and Large Intestine represent control and letting go. The lungs hold onto grief and how easily we ‘breathe’ through life. Whether we are holding on to someone or something or are unable to move on. The Large Bowel also represents letting go, not just of waste products but of ideas, thoughts and emotions that are toxic or hold us back. In Reflexology I always give extra attention to these areas for we all hold tension to some degree in the lungs and bowels.

The Lungs and Large Intestine are part of the Metal element in TCM and Autumn is the season of the Metal element. As we near the season of Autumn, it’s the perfect time to look at what we can let go of or declutter in our life.

Do you find it easy to Declutter? If not, look at what you are holding onto and the reasons why. Is it fear? So many of us hold onto life because of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of upsetting someone, fear of being judged or criticised.

But what if you began small? Just started with one thing. Perhaps saying ‘No’ to extra work or that job you have always said ‘yes’ to but resented. Perhaps declining an invitation because you needed some time to yourself. Perhaps asking for help around the house instead of feeling you need to do everything. Perhaps letting go of perfectionism. Perhaps eating more vegetables or removing one unhealthy food from your diet.

When you let go of the old, you allow more space and energy to come in to your life. You allow more joy and more of the things that light you up to enter in. You begin to live a more authentic life, on your terms.

Do you find it easy to Declutter? If so, that’s great. Keep it up. If not, take one step at a time. As you start to make change, you will find it becomes easier, and more sustainable change follows. You will also start to notice more joy and abundance creeping into your life.

As we move away from summer, think of the trees. They begin to shed their beautiful autumnal leaves without resistance, letting go of the old decaying remnants that no longer serve them. They know that more beauty and growth lie ahead in the months to come.

Warmest wishes,

Judy xxx

References: “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, Photo by Our Bahcivancilar on Unsplash

Disclaimer: Please note that all information in this article is the opinion of the author and obtained through her research and knowledge and the above references. It is not meant to replace medical advice and a medical opinion should always be obtained for any health condition.

Wishing you a truly Happy New Year.

Wishing you a truly Happy New Year.

These words may sound a bit trite as the new year dawns and we repetitively greet those we meet in a similar way. But my wish for you all is to have a truly happy New Year ahead.

The past two years have been really difficult and have brought up huge fears and much uncertainty. We have had to reassess the way we live and adjust to unfamiliarity and constant stress. Even though life remains unclear, it is important to give closure to the year that has passed and start the new year afresh.

One way of doing this is to acknowledge what has been and then give thanks for all the positive things that have happened over the past twelve months. Even though there have been difficult times for me, with closing the clinic, loss of income, cancelling holidays and coping with the everyday stress of lockdown, I too, found lots to be grateful for.

At first glance, I decided it was a pretty horrible year, but when I looked back at my photos and memories of what had been, I found so many occasions to celebrate and give thanks for. You can do the same. It could be birthdays, chats with friends – even over Zoom, walks in nature or time with family. Giving thanks for the good times helps to bring closure for the year and provides an opportunity to enter the new year with hope and optimism.

A New Year brings with it new dreams and plans for the months ahead. It gives us an opportunity to reassess what we want to bring into our lives and what we want to leave behind. It also brings us hope. Hope for an end to the pandemic, hope for great health, hope for holidays that actually take place and hope for the things we want to create in our lives.

What do you no longer want to do this year? Do you want to leave a job you no longer love? Do you want to end a relationship or friendship that brings you distress and unhappiness? Do you want to let go of playing small, being perfect, trying to please everyone? The New Year is a perfect time.

What do you want to bring in to your life this year? Do you want to spend more time in nature and do more walking? Do you want to learn a language or start a new craft? Do you want to commence a new career or finally do something that you have always wanted to do? Do you want to have stronger boundaries around your time and availability? Do you want to have a healthier lifestyle? A New Year is the perfect opportunity.

Many people do vision boards, pasting pictures or photos on a board, of what they want to do over the next twelve months. I have done this myself, on many occasions and it has always been rewarding. I put together a collage of images from the internet, of holidays, food, experiences that I want to bring into my life, and then print it off. I stick it on some cardboard and put it up on my fridge, where I can see it everyday.

This works to remind me of my dreams and plans and if I get sidetracked as I inevitably do, this grounds me and brings me back into creativity. I also choose a word to embody what I would like to do or be in the new year. This year I have found it hard to do and have felt conflicted. How can I choose a word when so much is uncertain? I decided that as my mind is always wandering into the future and what might happen, I need to focus on the present instead and on what I can do and achieve now. So my word is to be Present.

You might like to try it too. You may have other ways of planning for the coming months or you may prefer not to plan and just wing it. Neither way is right or wrong, so long as you continue to have dreams and act on them. Having dreams is the first step but unless you take action, they remain dreams only.

Book dates in your diary to start the ball rolling. Book in that reflexology treatment you have been promising yourself. Sign up for that art or language course. Buy yourself some paints and pencils and start drawing and creating. The world awaits you and your unique gifts and talents. A New Year is your time to shine!

When so much is out of our control, focus not on what you can’t do but on how you react to change. As the quote says, “Sometimes in the waves of change, we find our true direction.”

Wishing you a truly happy New Year. May it be a really magical one for you.

Warmest wishes,

Judy xxx

References: Photo by on  Ester Marie Doysabas on Unsplash. Quote – author unknown.

Disclaimer: Please note that all information in this article is the opinion of the author and obtained through her research and knowledge and the above references. It is not meant to replace medical advice and a medical opinion should always be obtained.

Dealing with Chronic Disease isn’t easy………can you change your focus?

Change of focus

Dealing with Chronic Disease isn’t easy. If you suffer from any condition that affects the way you live your life, you have to make changes. These may involve modifying your behaviour or actions, or it may mean compromising on how you work, socialise or generally live from day to day.

A chronic condition may cause constant pain, a decrease in movement, fatigue, digestive issues, anxiety or irritability and frustration. What can you do to make life better? How can you deal with something that you may have to live with for many years?

I’m not saying it’s easy because it isn’t. There may be times that you feel fed up and really despondent and can’t see a solution. There may be times that you rebel, or feel angry or just give up. These are all understandable and normal reactions.

But what if you could change how you looked at life? What if you could use the resources available to make your life happier and easier, despite the pain or anxiety?

Concentrating on your condition every day gives more power to that condition. If all you focus on is pain, then all you will notice in your life is pain. Medications may be needed, but also consider changing your focus. What else can you do that lights you up? What things bring you joy? Focus on these instead.

There is a saying. ‘What you focus on you create.’ The brain constantly filters information. Our past experiences and beliefs shape our behaviour. As a result our brains can form new neural pathways. This is known as Neuroplasticity. The brain will change its’ messages according to new activities or changes in our environment.

Every time we have an experience, corresponding neurons are activated. Repeating or prolonging an experience will keep the connections between neurons strong and ensure that they stay. Genes are also involved. Regularly practicing meditation, for example, will increase the activity of genes that are able to soothe a stress reaction, ultimately making you more able to deal with stress.

Everything you experience will alter the physical structure of your brain in some way. So why not focus on positive things that bring you happiness and fulfilment.

Dealing with chronic disease isn’t easy and I’m certainly not advocating that it is. But we can all take measures to improve the quality of our lives. Reflexology is one therapy that can help. It improves nerve supply so that those positive neurons can be stimulated. It reduces inflammation so pain can be relieved. It increases circulation to help bring nutrients to all your cells. It helps balance your whole endocrine system so that the body’s chemical messengers are activated.

Reflexology also works on the brain. In conditions such as Fibromyalgia it addresses pain pathways by stimulating the Brain, Central Nervous system and Hormonal system. In Parkinson’s Disease it treats the brain and other areas involved in the production of dopamine, such as the retina of the eyes and the adrenal glands. It also helps reduce tremors and muscle tension.

In Diabetes, it helps to balance blood sugar levels and improve nerve supply and circulation to the kidneys and extremities. Research has also supported Reflexology’s efficacy in reducing fatigue and improving sleep. In those suffering from Cancer, it boosts the immune system, reduces pain and helps to increase physical strength. In Autoimmune conditions, it not only addresses the Immune system but also your emotions and the chemical reactions that take place in your body.

No matter what condition we are living with, we can always take back some control. If we are suffering from anything serious, it’s important to get medical advice but we don’t have to give all our power away. We can change our diet, drink more water, take up meditation, have regular Reflexology treatments, see a Naturopath. We always have choices.

It’s very easy to see your condition as the main focus of your life but it is only a part of your life. Yes it may take up a lot of your time and energy, but there is still so much of your life that exists outside of a diagnosis. Is there something you have always wanted to do, such as painting or writing? Would you like to learn a language or how to cook gourmet meals? There is so much available online now and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

Find what lights you up, something that you have always wanted to do or perhaps never dreamt you could do. Give it a try. You will be surprised how fulfilling it can be. Taking the focus off something negative in your life, changes its’ impact on you.

Dealing with Chronic Disease can be very challenging. It is however, possible to retain some control and give your power back to yourself rather than to the disease.

Warmest wishes,

Judy xxx Photo by Tim Swaan on Unsplash

Disclaimer: Please note that all information in this article is the opinion of the author and obtained through her research and knowledge and the above references. It is not meant to replace medical advice and a medical opinion should always be obtained for any health condition.

When the World is changing, can Reflexology help?

Peace, stress free, reflexology, wellness, balance.

When the world is rapidly changing and life feels uncertain, can having a Reflexology treatment help? Can it actually make any difference?

I believe so.

Having regular Reflexology treatments won’t change world events, but it can change how you react to them. This year has seen unprecedented circumstances that have affected all of our lives. Australia experienced horrendous bushfires, then the Coronavirus struck around the world and now racial injustice is in the headlines. The old world order has gone, things are changing and life may never be as it was before.

Change is needed but it can bring up worry and anxiety.

Change can also lead to stress, as the unknown often brings up fear. As we all know, chronic stress contributes to so many diseases. Every time we feel anxious, or think a fearful thought or a negative emotion, we stimulate our hormonal and nervous system. Any emotion or thought that causes stress, no matter how small, results in the release of stress hormones. This is an energetic response of the body to cope with the stress. Not all stress is bad but a constant stimulation of our stress hormones, depletes our energy.

Long term stress can also lead to elevated blood pressure, elevated glucose levels, anxiety and worry and impact our immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems. At a time when most of us want to remain really healthy, this is not ideal.

Reflexology can make a significant difference. It deeply calms the body and mind and helps in the release of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins. These so called, ‘feel-good’ hormones affect our mood, memory, motor function, sleep, learning ability and digestion as well as relieving pain.

Reflexology boosts the immune system, increases circulation and blood supply, hence bringing more oxygenation and nutrition to all of our cells. It also improves the nerve supply to the whole body and helps reduce our sympathetic response so that we don’t stay in that ‘fight or flight’ mode. As mentioned before, it also has a powerful effect on the Hormonal system.

Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that our bodies hold trauma and unless we deal with the emotions involved, be it sadness, anger, anxiety or worry, a disease process begins. Facial reflexology looks at the areas in your body where this disease process started, that is, where you first started to hold this emotion or stress. It then works to relieve this and reduce the impact it is having on your body.

This year has brought up many challenges and fears. We may feel powerless to make a change, though we do have our voice and can let our voices be heard. We can also acknowledge how we are feeling and do something about it. When the world is changing, we still have the power in our hands and Reflexology is a very powerful weapon.

Why not use it!

Warmest wishes,

Judy xxx

Please note that the clinic has reopened with strict Infection Control policies in place. To book in for a Reflexology treatment, current clients can use this link

New clients please contact me here


Disclaimer: Please note that all information in this article is the opinion of the author and obtained through her research and knowledge and the above references. It is not meant to replace medical advice and a medical opinion should always be obtained for any health condition.